
Hide Email Address
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Multi-Entries When viewing a tournament:
Player Groups When searching a player group:

Exclude Opted-Out Members Exclude Not Opted-In Members
New Data Notifier When a player’s statistics are out of date:
Assign Manager

Specify the email address of a SharkScope account that will be allowed to see your email address, the status of your SharkScope subscription and be able to reset your personal player names.. They will also be able to view your uploaded PokerCraft data even if it is set to private.

Manager Account:

Secondary Manager Account:
Reset Uploaded Data Delete all PokerCraft results uploaded by this account.
Set Blog URL

Gold subscribers can specify their blog URL and a linked blog icon will appear next to your player name when it is searched or listed on a leaderboard as long as your subscription is active.

Blog URL:


  • These links are exclusively for your own player names which have been configured in the Manage Personal Player Names section.
  • They are only for personal blogs (and not those hosted on a tuition site). Webmasters of tuition sites should contact us by email for pricing.
  • URLs will be validated before display to confirm the blog is genuine.