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Related topics are listed below.

Detailed Statistics

Screen Reference » Detailed Statistics

The Detailed Statistics screen shows an in-depth summary of how you play. Every statistic recorded is shown here, broken down by street and by position where relevant. All the statistics are presented following the flow of a hand: preflop, blind stealing, postflop.…

Basic Statistics

Screen Reference » Basic Statistics

The Basic Statistics screen shows a few important things. First, the column on the left, titled Today, will show you the most important statistics for your play today. The title of the right column depends on the period selected with the “Date Range”…

SharkScope HUD Statistics

HUD (Head-Up Display) » SharkScope HUD Statistics

These statistics are fetched from SharkScope’s website while you play. Ability The Ability rating is a rating that goes up to 100 and shows a player’s ability based on an assessment of all the other statistics we have compiled for that player. Active…

Statistics or Probabilities?

HUD (Head-Up Display) » Statistics or Probabilities?

You can set the HUD to use either statistics or probabilities. Statistics show a summary of what a player has done so far. Probabilities predict what a player will do in the next hand. To switch between statistics and probabilities, use the HUD configuration menu (the…

Advanced Features

Advanced Features

Exporting Data Resetting your Database Backing up your database Database Console Adding PokerStars tournament rebuys and add-ons Player Notes Record multiple hands as a video

Hand Tracker HUD Statistics

HUD (Head-Up Display) » Hand Tracker HUD Statistics

The HUD tracks a variety of poker statistics. Below is an explanation of the different statistics available in the HUD. Once you are familiar with the meaning of the statistics and abbreviations, you can use them as a tool in your game. Hands Played / Hands sat in (#)…

Why do SharkScope Statistics show **, --, ??

HUD (Head-Up Display) » Why do SharkScope Statistics show **, --, ??

Sometimes a SharkScope statistic won’t be able to show a number. Instead, you’ll see two punctuation symbols. Here’s what they mean: ?? = player not found in SharkScope’s online database XX = SharkScope player lookup disabled for this…

Getting Started

Getting Started

Welcome to SharkScope Desktop! Improve your online poker game SharkScope Desktop combines the power of the SharkScope tournament results database with advanced statistics generated from your own hand history files as you play to give you an unprecedented amount of…

SharkScope Filters

HUD (Head-Up Display) » SharkScope Filters

You can change your SharkScope filter directly from the HUD. Just click on the filter icon you see in this picture: The icon’s colour changes as follows: White: No filter applied. Blue: Default filter applied (the one you have set in SharkScope…

Adjusting Pre-flop Play

HUD (Head-Up Display) » Adjusting Pre-flop Play

In pre-flop play you want to focus on profiling players. When an opponent enters a pot, you want to know if he represents a good hand or not. Once you have mastered this, you can focus on exploiting the opponent’s playing style. There are a few statistics that…

Filtering hands

Using SharkScope Desktop » Filtering hands

SharkScope Desktop offers powerful hand filtering. You can use the filters to find specific hands, track-down problems, or separate out certain types of hands from others. The filter bar appears on any screen where it is applicable. Here are the default filter…

Why am I not seeing VPiP, PFR and Agg with my Silver subscription?

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) » Why am I not seeing VPiP, PFR and Agg with my Silver subscription?

The Silver subscription includes the SharkScope statistics but not the hand tracker statistics. When you use the SharkScope Desktop for the first time with a Silver subscription, the hand tracker works for the first 100 hands only. In order to remove the limit, you…

HUD (Head-Up Display)

HUD (Head-Up Display)

The Head-up Display is usually referred to as the HUD. It is a critical tool for online poker players. It ensures you know as much as possible about your opponents, and about own table image. Understanding the HUD Hand Tracker HUD Statistics SharkScope HUD…

HUD (Head-up Display)

Settings » HUD (Head-up Display)

The HUD configuration dialog contains five sections. You can navigate between the sections by clicking on the button for General, Layouts, Colours, and Player Icons. General Layouts Colours Player Icons Quick setup The HUD Layouts section contains…

Why no Bovada support?

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) » Why no Bovada support?

SharkScope Desktop doesn’t work with Bovada. We’d love to change this but Bovada doesn’t allow a poker tracker to keep statistics of any players. On Bovada, tables are anonymous. Your opponents can’t have a unique screen name, and so we…

Adjusting Post-flop Play

HUD (Head-Up Display) » Adjusting Post-flop Play

Adjusting post-flop play comes down to exploiting your opponent’s play. Various statistics can help you with this. The article on pre-flop play shows how to determine if a player is tight or loose and passive or aggressive. On the flop you can continue this…

Screen Reference

Screen Reference

SharkScope Sync Session Overview Combined Bankroll Basic Statistics Detailed Statistics Tournaments by Date Tournaments by Type Recent Tournaments Recent Hands Hand Types Players Stake Level Position Bankroll All-in Equity Tournament Finishes Custom…

SharkScope Icons

HUD (Head-Up Display) » SharkScope Icons

After SharkScope Desktop has requested player information form the SharkScope website, it will display an icon in each player HUD panel to indicate the status of this player. There are a couple of different icons that you might see after the request has completed.…

Understanding the HUD

HUD (Head-Up Display) » Understanding the HUD

The HUD appears on top of poker room tables while you play. You don’t need to do anything to turn on the HUD. While SharkScope Desktop is running, the HUD automatically appears on tables on all supported poker rooms. Here is an example of a poker table with the…

Custom Chart

Screen Reference » Custom Chart

The Custom Chart screen allows you to create and save custom charts. A custom chart can show any of the supported statistics and their change through time. With Custom Chart you can even plot two variables on the same chart. In the upper part of the main window you…


Settings » SharkScope

The SharkScope preferences panel let you control how SharkScope Desktop interacts with the SharkScope website and the statistics that come from the SharkScope database. Search Options Cache player info To minimise the use of your SharkScope search quota, each…


Screen Reference » Players

The Players summary gives an overview of all the opponents you’ve ever played with. By default, it will only show the most recently seen opponents (today). You can change this filter to show more opponents (last 30 days or last 3 months), and you can use the…

Does using Desktop cost searches?

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) » Does using Desktop cost searches?

The SharkScope HUD uses 1 search for every player at your table, unless that player is already in your cache. The cache can be set to remember player statistics for 1 hour or 1 day. The SharkScope Hand Tracker uses 1 search every time you click on a player’s…

Using SharkScope Desktop

Using SharkScope Desktop

SharkScope Desktop is a database of hands played and related statistics. SharkScope Desktop is designed so that each of the different screens in the main window function in the same way. The main window uses the same layout for each screen, and the three concepts of…


Configuring Your Poker Room » Winamax

Configuring Winamax Notes & Limitations Configuring Winamax Set preferred seat in Winamax In the Winamax software, from the main lobby’s menu, select Tools -> Options In the list of options, select Game -> Options Set your preferred seat to Top, Right,…

Hand Types

Screen Reference » Hand Types

The Hand Types screen shows your game based on your hole cards. The screen shows a list of all the possible hands you’ve been dealt with. The Hand Types screen helps you improve your play for specific starting hands. You can quickly see which hands have been…


Screen Reference » Position

The Positions summary shows your hands grouped by position. You can get detailed information in the top panel on any of the positions by left-clicking. You can also drill down to individual hands by double-clicking. Because Poker is a game of position this screen can…

Stake Level

Screen Reference » Stake Level

This summary only appears for ring games. The Stake Level summary shows your profit based on the stake level you play. Select a specific stake level in the table, and you’ll see detailed information for that stake level appear in the top panel. If you drill down…

Reporting a calculation error

Using SharkScope Desktop » Reporting a calculation error

If you have found an error in SharkScope Desktop’s calculation for a hand or tournament, here’s how to report it to us. First, make sure you are running the latest update of SharkScope Desktop. Your problem might have already been reported by other users…

HUD Popup Panel

HUD (Head-Up Display) » HUD Popup Panel

When you click on a player’s HUD panel, a much larger window appears, showing every statistic for the player, broken down by street and position. We call this the HUD popup panel. This is essential for making decisions in critical situations. Some stats are…


Configuring Your Poker Room » PartyPoker

Important update for PartyPoker users !Due to PartyPoker’s restrictions, we provide only limited functionality for PartyPoker. This section shows you how to configure PartyPoker. All other PartyPoker skins, such as PMU and bwin have the same configuration…