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MainSelection: 2009

MainSelection: 2009
CategorySelection: Holdem 9 to 10 Players Turbo

2009 - Holdem 9 to 10 Players Turbo - $2.01-$5 - Profit
Ranking Player Country Network Profit
1 porazit FullTilt (Closed) 3114.0
2 SatoriKid PokerStars 3068.0
3 antoineg IGT 2919.0
4 catrozzo IGT 2917.0
5 dr.badbrains Ongame 2852.0
6 BillyBonesss Ongame 2826.0
7 echeneis Ongame 2822.0
8 apec IGT 2479.0
9 BrotherJim69 PokerStars 2403.0
10 Alex_Nor Ongame 2339.0
11 pvaes Ongame 2334.0
12 sillyfranz IGT 2320.0
13 ace2600 PokerStars 2194.0
14 J2ThaP FullTilt (Closed) 2178.0
15 pablox55 PartyPoker(preJun2019) 2028.0
16 lawcraft Ongame 1926.0
17 cappalopo IGT 1919.0
18 iflopdit IGT 1873.0
19 Jeko GiocoDigitale (Closed) 1720.0
20 PHANTOM83K Cereus 1640.0