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MainSelection: 2015

MainSelection: 2015
CategorySelection: Holdem 5 to 6 Players Turbo

2015 - Holdem 5 to 6 Players Turbo - $16-$35 - Profit
Ranking Player Country Network Profit
1 Buschapa PokerStars 16081.0
2 omba PokerStars 12180.0
3 Mattzord PokerStars 9788.0
4 MazeOnTheWater PKR 8557.0
5 LosingStroke PokerStars 5824.0
6 hanitz MicroGaming 5640.0
7 MagicTrick28 PokerStars 5625.0
8 dejan1911 PokerStars 4987.0
9 cneuy3 PokerStars 4795.0
10 JustRunBetter FullTilt (Closed) 4780.0
11 theend2 FullTilt (Closed) 4231.0
12 Opted-Out PokerStars 4190.0
13 Opted-Out PokerStars 4069.0
14 Opted-Out PokerStars 3927.0
15 Na Catramina The Hive 3912.0
16 1PlayNude PKR 3860.0
17 elgatrumberu PokerStars 3702.0
18 laki_loose 888Poker 3660.0
19 Markschillin Merge 3396.0
20 havingitmyway Merge 3350.0

2015 - Holdem 5 to 6 Players Turbo - $16-$35 - Count
Ranking Player Country Network Count
1 MagicTrick28 PokerStars 11610.0
2 Opted-Out PokerStars 10880.0
3 omba PokerStars 10291.0
4 Buschapa PokerStars 10139.0
5 talentaki PokerStars 5319.0
6 kvasa_kvasa PartyPoker(preJun2019) 5270.0
7 mishanya_pim PokerStars 4828.0
8 MazeOnTheWater PKR 4753.0
9 dejan1911 PokerStars 4629.0
10 Opted-Out PokerStars 4490.0
11 Mattzord PokerStars 4487.0
12 MegaBobeR_55 PokerStars 4397.0
13 Opted-Out PokerStars 3570.0
14 elgatrumberu PokerStars 3527.0
15 Warrior007 PartyPoker(preJun2019) 3155.0
16 Funtic30 PartyPoker(preJun2019) 3136.0
17 Snipesxx PKR 2920.0
18 laki_loose 888Poker 2629.0
19 Keatonovich PokerStars 2590.0
20 Blom96 PokerStars 2579.0

2015 - Holdem 5 to 6 Players Turbo - $16-$35 - Best 500 Streak
Ranking Player Country Network Best 500 Streak
1 cneuy3 PokerStars 8.32
2 LosingStroke PokerStars 7.99
3 omba PokerStars 7.55
4 havingitmyway Merge 7.14
5 Mattzord PokerStars 7.03
6 hanitz MicroGaming 6.98
7 Buschapa PokerStars 6.67
8 MagicTrick28 PokerStars 6.57
9 dejan1911 PokerStars 6.45
10 OptionNz PokerStars 6.23
11 Keatonovich PokerStars 5.95
12 latenthreat PokerStars 5.89
13 MazeOnTheWater PKR 5.85
14 Opted-Out PokerStars 5.82
15 theend2 FullTilt (Closed) 5.7
16 elgatrumberu PokerStars 5.68
17 laki_loose 888Poker 5.52
18 1PlayNude PKR 5.47
19 Na Catramina The Hive 5.37
20 Blom96 PokerStars 5.3

2015 - Holdem 5 to 6 Players Turbo - $16-$35 - Best 100 Streak
Ranking Player Country Network Best 100 Streak
1 hanitz MicroGaming 18.14
2 MagicTrick28 PokerStars 17.77
3 havingitmyway Merge 17.39
4 Mattzord PokerStars 16.44
5 theend2 FullTilt (Closed) 15.82
6 Opted-Out PokerStars 15.6
7 LosingStroke PokerStars 15.44
8 Grey Poopon PokerStars 15.19
8 12ziz12 PokerStars 15.19
10 laki_loose 888Poker 15.02
11 Opted-Out PokerStars 14.77
12 1PlayNude PKR 14.56
13 elgatrumberu PokerStars 14.43
14 Carloss86 PokerStars 14.35
15 omba PokerStars 14.18
16 cneuy3 PokerStars 14.1
16 ShaiC`akes PokerStars 14.1
18 Blom96 PokerStars 13.76
19 SooDamnLucky PokerStars 13.68
19 Opted-Out PokerStars 13.68
19 OptionNz PokerStars 13.68