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MainSelection: 2015

MainSelection: 2015
CategorySelection: Holdem Heads Up Regular And Deep

2015 - Holdem Heads Up Regular And Deep - $101-$300 - Profit
Ranking Player Country Network Profit
1 Opted-Out PokerStars 28224.0
2 Zbinik55 PokerStars 15274.0
3 Opted-Out PokerStars 13922.0
4 pramuk88 PokerStars 11402.0
5 PAPPAW PartyPoker(FR-ES) 9555.0
6 theboss60400 iPoker(FR-ES) 9352.0
7 Opted-Out PokerStars 7823.0
8 SuperMeatBoy WPN 7515.0
9 WORLDCRUSHER MicroGaming 6757.0
10 Opted-Out PokerStars 6704.0
11 zilber777 MicroGaming 6617.0
12 BeautyQueen8 iPoker 6285.0
13 NessXG PokerStars 6110.0
14 JustNoPain PokerStars 5996.0
15 crispoker10 PokerStars 5993.0
16 vladxxxro PokerStars 5961.0
17 CELTICFAN SkyPoker 5602.0
18 DAVEMCDAID SkyPoker 5498.0
19 Mne_d0edet 888Poker 5480.0
20 NoFloat PokerStars 5374.0

2015 - Holdem Heads Up Regular And Deep - $101-$300 - Count
Ranking Player Country Network Count
1 buzcaky PokerStars 1783.0
2 Opted-Out PokerStars 1433.0
3 Opted-Out PokerStars 1270.0
4 nobutoshi PokerStars 1068.0
5 theboss60400 iPoker(FR-ES) 980.0
6 lolufold SkyPoker 970.0
7 Zbinik55 PokerStars 926.0
8 vladxxxro PokerStars 777.0
9 pramuk88 PokerStars 748.0
10 Opted-Out PokerStars 711.0
11 crispoker10 PokerStars 645.0
12 DAVEMCDAID SkyPoker 633.0
13 Opted-Out SkyPoker 570.0
14 PAPPAW PartyPoker(FR-ES) 564.0
15 NessXG PokerStars 504.0
16 Opted-Out PokerStars 476.0
17 1uckyIAM 888Poker 394.0
18 NoFloat PokerStars 376.0
19 vikilla PokerStars 357.0
20 zilber777 MicroGaming 354.0

2015 - Holdem Heads Up Regular And Deep - $101-$300 - Best 500 Streak
Ranking Player Country Network Best 500 Streak
1 Opted-Out PokerStars 30.9
2 pramuk88 PokerStars 25.35
3 Opted-Out PokerStars 23.57
4 PAPPAW PartyPoker(FR-ES) 21.17
5 Zbinik55 PokerStars 20.8
6 vladxxxro PokerStars 17.37
7 nobutoshi PokerStars 16.53
8 Opted-Out PokerStars 16.39
9 theboss60400 iPoker(FR-ES) 14.65
10 NessXG PokerStars 12.67
11 crispoker10 PokerStars 11.54
12 Opted-Out SkyPoker 10.63
13 buzcaky PokerStars 9.95
14 DAVEMCDAID SkyPoker 9.66

2015 - Holdem Heads Up Regular And Deep - $101-$300 - Best 100 Streak
Ranking Player Country Network Best 100 Streak
1 SuperMeatBoy WPN 75.15
2 vladxxxro PokerStars 73.83
3 Zbinik55 PokerStars 62.89
4 Opted-Out PokerStars 62.18
5 zilber777 WPN 61.01
6 WORLDCRUSHER MicroGaming 60.98
7 crispoker10 PokerStars 58.69
8 nobutoshi PokerStars 56.62
9 Opted-Out PokerStars 56.38
10 CELTICFAN SkyPoker 54.56
11 Opted-Out PokerStars 54.46
12 pramuk88 PokerStars 53.01
13 1uckyIAM 888Poker 50.45
14 IgorZverev87 888Poker 50.25
15 BeautyQueen8 iPoker 49.97
16 zilber777 MicroGaming 49.81
17 Opted-Out PokerStars 49.23
18 NessXG PokerStars 46.27
19 IgorZverev iPoker 45.45
20 buzcaky PokerStars 42.71