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MainSelection: 2021

MainSelection: 2021
CategorySelection: Holdem 9 to 10 Players Super Turbo

2021 - Holdem 9 to 10 Players Super Turbo - $16-$35 - Profit
Ranking Player Country Network Profit
1 EdiNapolitano WPN 567.0
2 bbruins13 WPN 508.0
3 Shaicakes73 WPN 317.0
4 EmbracetheRage WPN 210.0
5 Ice Bank Mice Elf WPN 209.0
6 Thrash370 WPN 207.0
6 Blockk WPN 207.0
8 ScooterGallo WPN 170.0
8 GM Oogway WPN 170.0
10 djumanji8 WPN 157.0
11 Shaicakes WPN 143.0
12 Snoooopy WPN 139.0
13 ngfzas WPN 112.0
14 Demerssa WPN 104.0
15 Nerstow WPN 93.0
16 bubblebubble WPN 89.0
16 Evandy83 WPN 89.0
18 navrot WPN 78.0
19 debobosoacara WPN 76.0
20 Opted-Out WPN 74.0

2021 - Holdem 9 to 10 Players Super Turbo - $16-$35 - Count
Ranking Player Country Network Count
1 Ice Bank Mice Elf WPN 242.0
2 Shaicakes73 WPN 206.0
3 bbruins13 WPN 185.0
4 EdiNapolitano WPN 178.0
5 Thrash370 WPN 156.0
6 Snoooopy WPN 135.0
7 Nerstow WPN 111.0
8 MrOK WPN 107.0
9 navrot WPN 102.0
10 Opted-Out WPN 87.0
11 Blockk WPN 73.0
12 ScooterGallo WPN 72.0
13 djumanji8 WPN 60.0
14 GM Oogway WPN 59.0
15 EmbracetheRage WPN 57.0
16 Bonschlonzo WPN 52.0
17 vsel2015 WPN 31.0
18 SkRuDg1 WPN 24.0
19 ThaPanda WPN 21.0
19 bluespinel WPN 21.0

2021 - Holdem 9 to 10 Players Super Turbo - $16-$35 - Best 100 Streak
Ranking Player Country Network Best 100 Streak
1 EdiNapolitano WPN 5.24
2 bbruins13 WPN 4.87
3 Ice Bank Mice Elf WPN 4.43
4 Shaicakes73 WPN 4.38
5 Snoooopy WPN 2.14
6 Nerstow WPN 1.41
7 Thrash370 WPN 1.2
8 navrot WPN 0.29