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MainSelection: 2023

MainSelection: 2023
CategorySelection: Holdem 5 to 6 Players Regular

2023 - Holdem 5 to 6 Players Regular - $101-$300 - Profit
Ranking Player Country Network Profit
1 PLATOSHA666 WPN 899.0
2 bbruins13 WPN 749.0
3 fishchops WPN 674.0
4 Bonzoooo WPN 565.0
5 PatePate WPN 366.0
6 IamMVP WPN 281.0
7 Ice Bank Mice Elf WPN 273.0

2023 - Holdem 5 to 6 Players Regular - $101-$300 - Count
Ranking Player Country Network Count
1 fishchops WPN 34.0
2 bbruins13 WPN 19.0
2 PLATOSHA666 WPN 19.0
4 pokarhontas WPN 18.0
5 zotyi91 WPN 13.0
6 Maz11 WPN 11.0
7 Randomizer8 WPN 7.0
8 gcone593 WPN 6.0
8 Down2Muck WPN 6.0
8 PatePate WPN 6.0
11 Ice Bank Mice Elf WPN 3.0
11 Viroforti WPN 3.0
13 Bonzoooo WPN 1.0
13 2win WPN 1.0
13 IamMVP WPN 1.0